《面书精粹》:揭发贪污就是罪行 ! ·童貴旺底氣十足


1MDB 跟国家拿钱投资沙地石油,

1MDB 借走的18亿3000万美金(69亿马币)

【揭发丑闻的人就等于要推翻政府? 】

1MDB 只不过是一家官联公司,不是国家政府。




1MDB 如果不曾开始,


Mask Man – The Truth of Malaysia 马来西亚的真相的视频


由大馬殷商成功集團掌舵人丹斯理陳志遠和銀行家拿督童貴旺共同擁有的英文財經周刊【THE EDGE】,明顯毫不畏懼納吉巫統當權派【吊銷出版准證】的恐嚇打壓,不但繼續緊咬一馬發展公司課題不放,還加大力道,揭發更驚人的內幕!指名道姓控訴刘特左,纳吉,沙地石油如何诈骗大马國家財富高達18.3億美元!折合馬幣69亿!

熟悉童貴旺的人都知道,【THE EDGE】媒體集團執行主席童貴旺和陳志遠一直以來都是馬哈迪的朋黨,當年馬哈迪掌政時期提攜陳志遠及童貴旺成為他的代理人之一。儘管馬哈迪已經從首相權位退下超過12年,陳志遠與童貴旺始終與老馬保持密切夥伴關係。有老馬撐腰,造成童貴旺底氣十足,根本不懼怕納吉朋黨部長的威脅恐嚇。

揭秘文章指纳吉所投资的沙地石油公司,是经过刘特左特地安排的。而这来自大马国库(也就是大馬納稅人的钱)18亿3000万美金,投资到沙地石油公司。 根據【THE EDGE】獲得的內幕消息指出,沙地石油公司的合作资料,背景资产竟然是造假的!这笔投资目前别说赚钱, 本钱都不知道亏去哪里了。



执政党巫统滥用公款就算了。 现在納吉河馬劉特佐通過1MDB ,要多少錢就直接從國庫搬走, 不必經過審核,也不必通知任何人;人民的血汗錢就這樣消失無踪,只留下沉重的國債讓全民分擔。這就是貪婪的納吉河馬政權。

【How Jho Low & PetroSaudi schemed to steal money from the people of Malaysia via 1MDB】

By The Edge Financial Daily / The Edge Financial Daily

Why we say the US$1.83 billion 1 Malaysia Development Bhd invested in Petro Saudi International between 2009 and 2011 was a scheme to defraud Malaysia。

Key Points:

1. The joint-venture agreement was signed on Sept 28, 2009. The terms include 1MDB contributing US$1.0 billion cash for a 40% stake in the JV Co called 1MDB PetroSaudi Ltd. PetroSaudi Holdings Cayman will put in assets worth US$2.7 billion. The JV Co will be valued at US$2.5 billion with PetroSaudi Holdings’ 60% stake derived from assets it will inject into the JV Co.

2. The valuation of the assets that PetroSaudi Holdings will put in was done by one Edward Morse who was hired by PetroSaudi and work was done within days. Morse was issued his appointment letter on Sept 20, 2009 and submitted his report on Sept 29, 2009 — a day after the JV was signed. He valued the Turkmenistan assets at US$3.5 billion and the Argentinian assets at US$108 million.

3. PetroSaudi Holdings never owned the Turkmenistan assets that were to be injected into the JV Co. Those assets were owned by Buried Hill Energy (Cyprus) Co Limited. PetroSaudi Holdings was only in negotiation to buy the assets from Buried Hill. They signed a negotiation agreement on July 4, 2009 and this was eventually terminated on Nov 23, 2009.

4. 1MDB did not hire its own independent valuer to do the valuation. 1MDB management did not comply with a decision of its own board of directors to do an independent valuation.

5. PetroSaudi Holdings committed FRAUD by selling assets which it did not own into the JV Co.

6. Lawyers for 1MDB, Wong & Partners, as well as the 1MDB board of directors were not given the valuation report by Edward Morse until after Sept 30, 2009 — two days after the JV agreement was signed.

7. When the deposit money of US$7.1 million paid to Buried Hill was returned after the negotiation was cancelled, the cash was not returned to the JV Co but to PetroSaudi Holdings. This deposit money should have been returned to the JV Co as it formed part of the assets sold by PetroSaudi Holdings to the JV Co.

8. There was also FRAUD in the creation of a fake US$700 million loan from PetroSaudi Holdings to the JV Co. These are the evidence of fraud:

a) There was no corresponding cash in the JV Co or any of its subsidiaries on or after Sept 25, 2009 (the date the loan agreement was signed). But a letter of demand dated Sept 29, 2009 from PetroSaudi Holdings was sent to the JV Co to pay the loan.

b) From the US$1 billion cash that 1MDB remitted for the JV, US$700 million was paid directly from 1MDB to Good Star Limited instead of the supposed lender PetroSaudi Holdings.

c) The scheme to scam US$700 million from 1MDB was discussed as “over