





你应该记得在我第一篇文章《谁威胁了新加坡国家安全?》中,明确提出以“国家安全“来封禁陈彬彬有关流亡者生活的电影违反了第十四章新加坡人言论自由的权力。这论奌完全站不住脚。我肯定许多新加坡人和我一样 ,都很想听听你的看法。你对这课题的沉默就是装聋作哑。

我在第二篇文章《星国恋編织新政治传承》,对被封禁影片在伦敦成功放映做了评述。在文中,我察觉到: 封禁《星国恋》突然地激发出要知道这段失落政治历史的渴望。现在这“精灵“已被释放了出来,接下来为独立五十週年在新加坡的庆典中就再也避免不了提起那些在政治过程做了供献却遭受压迫者。彬彬已把流亡者的故亊重新输入国家的脉络。










By Sam Tan Chin Siong

Minister of State (Prime Minister’s Office)

Just read this letter by Mr Ho Juan Thai defending his decision to run away from Singapore in 1976.  In the letter, he did not explain why the Police wanted to question him.

Please allow me to set the context on Mr Ho’s leaving Singapore: Mr Ho had made inflammatory speeches in GE 1976 as a Workers’ Party candidate.  He had said that the Government was out to “exterminate” Chinese education in Singapore and “wipe out” the Chinese language, and that the achievement of the Government was the “killing of Chinese education”.  These statements are on public record.

In multi-racial Singapore, such allegations were reckless and irresponsible then as they would be now.  Mr Ho’s remarks could have caused divisions in society and sowed distrust between the English- and Chinese-educated.  This could have torn apart our fragile social fabric then.

Mr Ho also makes contradictory claims: on the one hand, that he was a victim of police intimidation, and on the other, that he was willing to turn himself in for questioning.  These are contradictory and unconvincing reasons for him absconding to Malaysia, from where with the help of Tan Chay Wa (a Communist Party of Malaya cadre later sentenced to death in Malaysia for possessing firearms), he ended up in London.

Mr Ho had forged his passport to enter the UK. He himself had proudly said so in another open letter in 1982.  Yet Mr Ho now expects to be issued a new Singapore passport.

Mr Ho’s flight from Singapore is remarkably similar to Mr Tan Wah Piow’s.  (TOC has published Mr Tan’s letters too.) Mr Tan ran away from Singapore on a similarly flimsy excuse: his alleged fear that “accidents” would occur to him in National Service.  Mr Tan fled with the help of comrades, some of whom were involved with the CPM.  He entered UK using his expired Singapore passport with a forged extension endorsement.  His British friend, Malcolm Caldwell — a far left activist and staunch supporter of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge (a ruthless regime that killed millions of innocent Cambodians) — helped him obtain a student visa.  While in London, he continued to agitate for his communist compatriots, including Tan Chay Wa.  These facts are also on public record.

It is also revealing that after Mr Ho absconded to London, his WP colleagues then did not make much fuss on his behalf nor did they similarly abscond to other countries.  Why did they not do so, or run away like him, if there was such a pervasive climate of intimidation?

Mr Ho’s actions, as well as the Workers’ Party’s inaction on his behalf, speak louder than Mr Ho’s open letter.


Publication: ZaoBao
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Page 4

何惜薇 报道
[email protected]


由担任政治职务者直接向社交网站回应言论,至今相对少见。政论网站“网络公民”(The Online Citizen)说,上周收到陈振泉针对何元泰公开信的回应,昨天上载这封信。






陈振泉指出,何元泰逃走的方式与另一名流亡者陈华彪相似,两人都在其他人的协助下离开,当中一些人 涉足马来亚共产党。

导演陈彬彬的新片《星国恋》刻画上世纪60至80年代,基于各种政治原因离开新加坡、多年来旅居国外的前学生领袖、活跃分 子及共产党人。片子因内容“有损国家安全”,两个月前被列为“任何分级均不许可”的评级。影片上月在伦敦艺术节上公映,何元泰和陈华彪出席其中一场放映会。


分类题材: 政治_politics ,
