



经过与病魔搏斗了很长的时间,终因医治无效,不幸于2013年9月16日凌晨6时20分(大马时间7时20分)在泰国曼谷安详逝世,离开了他牵挂的我国各族同胞、同志战友、亲朋好友和他为之奋斗终生的人民事业以及亲爱的祖国,走完了他战斗的、光辉的一生,终年89岁。 他与疾病的斗争中,充分体现出他那坚强无比的性格,诚如他一生的事迹:始终坚持不懈地与逆境斗争,不断挑战常人之所不能。“不管风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步”,可充分表达出他的坚毅和勇气、钢铁般的意志、浸润着睿智的沉稳冷静、面对任何艰难险阻都能泰然处之的大无畏性格。如果不是如此遇事不惊、镇定自若 ,那他早就“战败”了。







再见了,陈平同志 – 我们敬爱的领袖、我们的同志、勇敢的自由战士!

陈平同志的亲密战友: 阿布杜拉•西迪(Abdulah C.D.) 朱拉蓬公主第九发展村(邦朗和平村) 朱拉蓬公主第十发展村(勿洞和平村) 朱拉蓬公主第十一发展村(也哈和平村) 朱拉蓬公主第十二发展村(苏基林和平村) 马来西亚二十一世纪联谊会 合艾和平联谊会 邦朗和平村联谊会



陈平同志遗体定于2013年9月20日移置曼谷วัดธาตุทอง เอกมัย สุขุมวิท — Wat That Thong庙(第11亭),由9月20日至 22日为各界吊唁的时间(每天晚上开放至8:30时为止),并于9月23日上午10:00时诵经,下午3:00至3:30时举行公祭,同日下午5:00时举行火化仪式。 治丧处联络电话:

66-(0)81-832-4602 (英语)
66-(0)90-960-9802 (马来语)
66-(0)83-016-4679 66-(0)83-067-3082

Wat That Thong庙位于曼谷Sukumvit 路,就在Ekkamai BTS车站旁边,步行半分钟即可到达。附近道路交通较繁忙,乘搭BTS高架铁路较宜。

Press Statement

He has left us, but he is with the people forever.

With the greatest pain and deepest sorrow, we announce the passing of our beloved leader and our dear comrade


who departed peacefully at the age of 89 on 16th September, 2013 at 6:20 a.m. (Malaysian time 7:20 a.m.) in Bangkok, after a long struggle with illness. He has thus ended a glorious life in combat and finally left all his compatriots of all races, comrades-in-arms, relatives and friends as well as the people’s cause, for which he devoted his entire life, and his beloved Motherland.

His battle against illness depicts his strong character, just as in his life, fighting against all odds, against the inevitable. He fought with such determination and courage; and most of all with serenity imbued with great wisdom, without which he would have lost the “battle” long ago.

And yet, the inevitable has come: he has left us forever. Perhaps, it is like after a long drawn fight, he needed a rest. So be it, REST IN PEACE, our dear comrade.

He may have left us, but his spirit is with us, embedded in the heart of every one of us.

Nothing could replace the comradeship that has bounded us together. We fought to death to defend our country against foreign aggressors. Together we mustered the courage to fight against evil forces and injustices in society. Together we dared all our adversaries to continue bullying the weak and the oppressed.

We share the same ideals, the same political beliefs that hold us together for a life time. We dream together for a better world. We show to future generations that the road for change is long and tortuous. We were a bunch of people who dare to fight and dare to sacrifice for the betterment of mankind.

We fully understand his last wish to return his body to his children whom he had never been able to care for. Their sufferings and his could perhaps never be understood or felt by others. In this, he has shown to the world that he is but a human being, full of humility and humanistic values and sensitivities. We salute him. We salute his children and family, to whom we convey our deepest condolences.

He had loved very much his country- his place of birth. He had the wisdom and courage to bring peace to our country. He had done his part and yet he had been denied return to his beloved Motherland. History will point the finger of indictment at those who break the promises. Let it be, the people are not blind.

Farewell, Comrade Chin Peng – our beloved leader, our comrade, the courageous freedom fighter!

Jointly issued by:

Abdulah C.D., close comrade-in-arms of Comrade Chin Peng, Chulabhorn Village 9 (Banglang Peace Village) Chulabhorn Village 10 (Betong Peace Village) Chulabhorn Village 11 (Yaha Peace Village) Chulabhorn Village 12 (Sukhirin Peace Village) Twenty-First Century Friendship Association Malaysia Hatyai Peace Association Banglang Peace Village Association

Dated: 16th September, 2013.


The funeral wake for comrade Chin Peng shall be held at the วัดธาตุทอง เอกมัย สุขุมวิท — Wat That Thong temple (Court No. 11) on 20th September, 2013 and open for public mourning from 20th – 22nd September, 2013 (the temple is closed after 8:30 p.m. each day); Buddhist ceremony will start at 10 a.m. on 23rd September and there will be a public funeral ceremony at 3:00 – 3:30 a.m. and cremation will take place at 5:00 p.m. on the same day.

Contact numbers:

66-(0)81-832-4602 (English)
66-(0)90-960-9802 (Malay)
66-(0)83-016-4679 66-(0)83-067-3082

(Wat That Thong temple is on Sukumvit Road, Bangkok and located right next to Ekkamai BTS station. Road traffic around the area may be congested and travelling by BTS Skytrain is recommended.)