《面书精粹》:普京:美國與ISIS根本是蛇鼠一窩 !









CLASS ACT! Vladimir Putin says there’s only one reason the U.S. has failed to destroy ISIS: Obama is using them as a proxy army against Assad。

By BI: Russia has struck over 110 ISIS targets in Syria in just two weeks. Over 40% of the Islamic State’s infrastructure has reportedly been destroyed already. The U.S. allegedly has been bombing ISIS targets in Syria for more than a year, yet failed to weaken ISIS at all. Military experts report that most U.S. bombers that went out on missions in Syria came back with their arsenals intact….as ordered by the Commander-in-Chief. In short, the airstrikes were all for show.

Truthstream Media It was recently noted by Putin that, by the time Russia showed up and started systematically destroying ISIS in short order, there were already 11 other countries bombing Syria. In fact, it has been over a year since America started an airstrike campaign over there which accomplished virtually nothing.

It hardly needs to be pointed out how blatantly obvious it is that, regardless of how many billions the American people were told just had to be spent “fighting the terrorists” over there, this was never for one hot second about the West actually stopping ISIS.

The only way that lie works is if the Western coalition is the most inept terror rescue team ever invented in the history of time. Further, instead of applauding Putin’s timely and efficient intervention in Syria, the West is protesting Russia’s involvement and bombing of terrorists.