We Remember 一九六三年二二



We Remember 一九六三年二二大逮捕事件始末


“废除《内部安全法令》”、“让政治流亡者安返祖国”, 这是所有正义人士的心声,也是1963年2月2日大逮捕行动50周年纪念会诸位同人的心愿。



梦愿 — 五十年后 傅树介 6

国家陷入混乱与黑暗的那一天 曾广营 13

二二大逮捕折射出南大精神的真正光辉 陈国防 23

纪念“冷藏行动”五十周年 29

2013年2月2日 傅树介与赛•扎哈里访谈录

废除《内安法》、还我尊严、还我基本人权 谢炎辉 31

一段回忆,几点感想 蔡伟藩 36

正义的事业一定会勝利 丁勁雷 39

立即废除《内安法令》 庄明湖 42

铁窗内外 —
记那段万苦千难的日子 陈美和 47
(一) 我因何被捕入狱
(二) 源源不断施加的迫害
(三) “六一三”事件
(四) 迫害有增无减
(五) 当局向我们施加暴力
(六) 政府想要只手遮天
(七) 狱中与病魔搏斗
(八) 以血盟志,视死如归
(九) 把胆割掉了
(十) 获释

政扣者之歌:英译诗四首 北雁选译 116

一九六三年二月二日大逮捕行动压制异议 (图片) 126

陈国防 主编
Dr Poh Soo Kai 出版


Abolish the Internal Security Act (ISA) and let those who were banished or exiled come home. This is the cry of those who believe in justice, democracy and human rights, as well as the hope of those commemorating the 50th anniversary of Operation Cold Store, which was mounted on 2 February 1963 in Singapore. The articles, poems and photographs in this volume share the pain, sufferings, experiences and thoughts of those who were unjustly imprisoned without trial. This book was launched on the exact day of the 50th anniversary, 2 February 2013, at the historic Hong Lim Park. May more people understand the importance and urgency for the abolition of the ISA and make it possible for the return of political exiles to their beloved country and the embrace of their families in the near future.


分类题材: 历史_history,
